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Spring 2022 - Jackson Park Transportation Improvements

The Chicago Department of Public Health issued a letter to residents and stakeholders stating that Jackson Park will be undergoing changes of transportation routes by the Chicago Department of Transportation amidst the building of the Obama library. Below is a description of each route change.

DuSable Lake Shore Drive

Starting April 14th, one southbound lane on DuSable Lake Shore Drive will be closed between 57th Drive and Hayes Drive. Alternate routes include Cornell Drive and Stony Island Avenue.

Hayes Drive

Starting April 18th, Hayes Drive will be closed just west of DuSable Lake Shore Drive and a detour will be posted. There will be daytime lane closures and parking restrictions on Hayes Drive between Stony Island and just east of DuSable Lake Shore Drive. Access to Park District fields will be maintained.

Stony Island Avenue

Starting April 18th, intermittent daytime lane closures will be in place along northbound Stony Island Avenue from Marquette Drive to 59th Street, typically three blocks at a time. Parking will be restricted along Stony Island. One lane of traffic both directions will be maintained.

Drivers are urged to pay close attention to flaggers and construction signage when entering and driving through work zones, obey the posted speed limits, and be on the alert for workers and equipment.

For more information regarding details on the project including an improvement overview, construction impacts, traffic updates, and job opportunities for local residents, visit


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