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Public Safety

Chairpersons: Sean McGinnis, Joshua Gray

The Public Safety working group looks to activate its yearlong formalized collective impact training addressing violence prevention in South Shore and neighboring communities. The goals and objectives of this training focused on:

  1. Orient and train Public Safety steering committee and other partners on basics of collective impact;

  2. Agreeing on a backbone of duties and roles and how they will be split between participating organizations

  3. Develop and orient partners to roles and responsibilities for steering committee, chairs, and workgroups;

  4. Develop meeting culture and decision making process to support collective impact among workgroups, partners, etc;

  5. Develop framework for strategic and annual planning to develop, align, and manage our common agenda.

The goals and objectives are all seek to utilize an asset-based approach in modeling South Shore's violence prevention work, specifically focusing on positive presence, being a trauma-informed community, and decreasing gun violence via our Victims Services Network.


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