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Chairperson: LaShawn Brown

Our Vision

A thriving self actualizing South Shore Community with a healthy mix of stable, well maintained, residential and rental housing owned and controlled largely by a local long time indigenous community residents.

Our Mission

The mission of the South Shore Works Housing Committee is to work with community stakeholders to stabilize and revitalize the community’s housing stock by defining its major issues and developing a plan to help to find and implement solutions to the challenges faced by various types of property owners and renters. The Committee will organize, educate and empower South Shore residents to resist gentrification, unfair sales, financing and housing policies which have been destabilizing factors, It will become a catalyst for identifying fair investment, capital and development opportunities designed to strengthen and appreciate the value of the residential areas and commercial corridors. The SSW Housing committees will serve as an advocate and resource center for homeowners and renters,, serving individuals, families and property owners of the South Shore Community with issues that affect their housing and ownership challenges.

Core Objectives

  • Create a neighborhood stabilization program that provides workshops for assisting troubled condominium, coop owners and building boards

  • Work with local brokers to aid 1st time homebuyers, targeted empty nesters, and young millenniums in finding suitable properties in So Shore..

  • With other organizations, provide assistance for families facing foreclosure.

  • Address the policy issues around the overabundance of CHA section 8 vouchers

  • Create a database identifying all vacant/abandoned properties within the South Shore community and devise a plan to facilitate local acquisition and development.

  • Create a team to identify troubled buildings and ,develop a plan for solutions..

  • Develop a database of developers with demonstrated ability to perform; select one to work with on select projects with commercial corridor development;

  • Identify funders and financial opportunities that will connect local owners to fair and reasonable access to capital for both development and revitalization needs..

  • Form a subcommittee to work with landlords and tenants block clubs and local resources to facilitate resolution of issues and provide safe, sustainable, quality homes for families of all economic profiles within the South Shore Community.


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