According to the of City of Chicago's COVID-19 data portal, approximately 41% of South Shore residents (Zip Code 60649) have completed the vaccine series, whereas only 12% (ages 12 +) and 12 % (18 +) have only completed their first dose. An alarming statistic, South Shore Works is hoping to increase its community's overall rate to 65% and above. Such an effort would be enormously difficult to accomplish if not for partnerships like the Face Forward Project.
The Face Forward Project gives vaccinated teens (12-18 yrs) a chance to get their personalized portraits made. These one-of-a-kind portraits embody the optimism and ambition of Chicago teens who’ve chosen to protect themselves and those around them by getting the vaccine.

The City of Chicago hopes that this project will be a great reminder for Chicago to keep looking ahead because our future is optimistic and safe when our children are vaccinated.

One of the vaccinated youth is a South Shore resident and his portrait is displayed on Face Forward's small truck picture gallery. Recently, he had an opportunity to see his image on their vehicle and just smiled. When asked why he participated in this initiative, he responded, "I believe it is important to contribute to my community in whatever way possible. Also, I wanted to help my parents who are both first-responders in this pandemic."
Thank you to the Local Market grocer for always being a good community partner and welcoming The Face Forward Project to South Shore. More to come.